Out now: Apollo by Matt Fitch, Chris Baker and Mike Collins
7 June 2018
Prepare for launch.
Matt Fitch, Chris Baker and Mike Collins' extraordinary account of the moon landing, Apollo, is out now, and to celebrate we're having a launch party at Soho's Gosh! Comics. (The moon would have been a more eye-catching venue, I know, but it lacks atmosphere.)
The launch takes place on Thursday 14th June, from 7-9pm. There'll be palatable wine, charming company and three creators with pens in hand, happy to scribble in your copy of the graphic novel.
Buzz Aldrin once said, "Astronauts are not superhuman. They lead ordinary lives and have varied personalities." Apollo tells the breathtaking story of the mission itself; the moments of high drama and astonishing risk are captured in thrilling detail. But it is also a fascinating insight into the lives of three men who, in the most extraordinary of circumstances, are separated from their families and loved ones.
It's an incredible book, but don't just take our word for it.
Scientific American praised Fitch, Baker and Collins for their retelling of the "suspense-filled" story: "They convey surprising depth and emotion, as well as rich historical details of the era. The book explores the political tension around the space program at the time, the nerve-wracking anxiety experienced by the families of the crew, and the heart-stopping moments of the mission that proved to be such a milestone."
And here's Publishers Weekly: "The moon landing is one of the most well-documented events in human history, but it’s reimagined here in a way that makes it feel new again. Lovers of space-race lore will want to pick this up."