Inside Typex's Andy: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol
16 November 2018
It's finally here: Typex's monumental graphic biography of the King of Pop Art. Five years in the making, the Dutch cartoonist's second graphic novel (after Rembrandt) is a 562-page journey through the life and times of Andy Warhol.
Andy-1.jpg219.05 KB In Andy: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol, Typexcharts the artist's life from his childhood in Pittsburgh to the dizzying heights of his celebrity. In doing so, he reveals a complex and contradictory character - at once cruel and vulnerable, deep and shallow, commercial and avant garde. Divided into ten parts, each designed and drawn to reflect the period, Andy is also a sweeping portrait of the twentieth century, featuring an endless parade of pop culture icons, from Shirley Temple to Madonna, Lou Reed to Salvador Dalí.
Heavy-papered and silver-edged, it's also an extremely handsome package. Here's a look inside.