Writers, artists, comrades: this autumn, SelfMadeHero will publish an anthology of comics about the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. But first, we need some comics – and for this we need you.
Here’s your summer challenge: make a comic on the subject of Jeremy Corbyn and submit it to SelfMadeHero by Wednesday 9th August 2017.
Successful entrants will have their comic published alongside work by Guardian cartoonists Steve Bell, Martin Rowson and Stephen Collins, and comics artists Karrie Fransman, Kate Evans and Steven Appleby, among others. They will also receive a share of royalties.
Here are the submissions guidelines:
The comic can be a minimum of one panel and a maximum of three pages long
It can be created in black-and-white or in colour
Page dimensions are 170mm x 240mm in size
Submissions are welcomed from published and unpublished creators of all nationalities
Submissions must be sent to [email protected] (using the subject heading “The Corbyn Comic Book”) no later than Wednesday 9th August 2017.
The anthology will be produced as a handsome, staple-bound comic book and launched at the Labour Party’s Annual Conference in September 2017.
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