To celebrate the publication of three fabulous new books, we’re having a Spring Party at Gosh! Comics in London next Friday, 14th June, 7-9pm. Creators I. N. J. Culbard (The Shadow Out Of Time), Rob Davis (Don Quixote), and Mark Stafford and David Hine (The Man Who Laughs) will sign copies of their latest books in store. There will be free booze, beautiful graphic novels and fabulous company: what more could you ask for?
I. N. J. Culbard is an award-winning artist and adaptor. He collaborated with Ian Edginton on the critically acclaimed Sherlock Holmes series, as well as adapting H. P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward for SelfMadeHero. He illustrates the Vertigo mini-series The New Deadwardians and has collaborated with Chris Lackey and Chad Fifer on an original graphic novel, Deadbeats (SelfMadeHero). His latest book is an adaptation of H. P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Out Of Time (SelfMadeHero).
Rob Davis is best known for reinventing Roy of the Rovers and for drawing Judge Dredd (Rebellion). He has written and illustrated Doctor Who (Panini) and is the editor of the Eisner-nominated comic anthology Nelson, winner of the British Comic Awards 2012. His latest book is the second and final volume of his adaptation of Don Quixote (SelfMadeHero).
David Hine has worked in comics since the 1980s, and has written for DC (Batman: Detective Comics, Arkham Unhinged; Deathstroke: Faces of Evil), Marvel (Spider-man Noir, X-Men, Silent War) and 2000 AD (Tao De Moto). He collaborated with Mark Stafford on “The Colour Out Of Space” for SelfMadeHero’s critically acclaimed Lovecraft Anthology Vol. I.
Mark Stafford is a cartoonist-in-residence at the Cartoon Museum. He has collaborated with Bryan Talbot on the second Cherubs! graphic novel, painting dead hillbillies and writing about cinema for Electric Sheep magazine.
Mark Stafford and David Hine have collaborated on an acclaimed adaptation of Victor Hugo’s The Man Who Laughs, famously the inspiration behind the character of the Joker in Batman.
There’s no need to RSVP. Just show up, bag some beautiful books and free beer, and enjoy the company!
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