"This is really the best way to enjoy Lovecraft." So said Boing Boingafter reading I.N.J. Culbard's adaptation of The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. It's true: Culbard's brilliantly pacy adaptations give terrifying form to H.P. Lovecraft's weird fiction.
At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow Out of Time and The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath have also been given the graphic novel treatment, and now all four adaptations are available in a single, seriously handsome hardbound volume: LOVECRAFT.
Lovecraft-1.jpg248.69 KB Whether you're looking for a Halloween treat or you'd just like to replace your dog-eared paperback versions, LOVECRAFT is the thing. And if you're quick, you could even have a signed and sketched copy delivered to your door courtesy of Nottingham's Page 45 - just go here.