In this interview, we ask author and journalist Victor Matet about the creative process behind Adieu Birkenau.
Victor Matet is a journalist and presenter at France Info. He produced several reports on Ginette Kolinka before co-creating a comic strip about her.
SelfMadeHero: Collaboration is essential to creation, to storytelling. In Adieu Birkenau the challenge wasn’t just to tell any story, but to give due reverence to the incredible life of an extraordinary human being. What was it like assembling and working with so many collaborators on this very unique book?
Victor Matet: It was a real challenge. The illustrators were based in Spain. My co-writer lives in eastern France and I live in Paris. But this resulted in a real wealth of culture, with all our ideas being mixed together. Everyone knew exactly what to do. The illustrators had the most trouble because they were waiting for the text and ended up with little time to draw. They are superheroes 😊
SMH: How did Ginette Kolinka’s personal involvement and your own experience as a journalist play into the artistic production of this book? Was there a particular process or structure when it came to bringing history and memory to life in graphic novel form?
Victor: Ginette is not a writer, in the sense she didn’t write this book herself. But without her there would be no story and no book at all. She hosted us many times, and we would talk for hours; she is the narrator, after all, and the protagonist. And, most importantly, we’ve been to Birkenau with her!
My journalistic approach was both an advantage and a disadvantage. What helped was the rigorous way of working and representing history. But sometimes we had to fill in some details and I would find myself thinking: “No, it’s not exactly and strictly the truth”.
For the structure, we chose to show her first and last time in Birkenau. The idea to interweave these two parts of her life came quite naturally.
SMH: Depictions and accounts of tragedies and atrocities like the Holocaust are such a key tradition in the history of graphic novels, and have led to huge advancements in the medium. How did it feel for you and your collaborators to be participating in that?
Victor: It’s a kind of honour to contribute to people’s education about the Holocaust, especially the education of children. We had no ambition to be compared to such incredible books as Maus by Art Spiegelman. But using less intense imagery was a deliberate choice; even when the descriptions are horrible, you don’t shut the book and stop reading because at least the illustrations aren’t so upsetting.
SMH: Going back to your journalistic background, you had produced reports about Ginette Kolinka before going on to work with her on Adieu Birkenau. Did you already have a working relationship with her when working on those reports? What was it like to share this responsibility for her memory, her testimony?
Victor: I love working with Ginette because of how much she smiles. She’s a real ray of sunshine, despite her tragic history. In France a lot of people talk about “duty of memory.” But she prefers the phrase “desire of memory.” I prefer that as well. She doesn’t have to tell her story, but she chooses to. And that’s the same for me. I write books, articles, and everything else because I want to. As she says to the children: “Now, you are ambassadors for memory too.” And so am I.
SMH: Are there any elements of Ginette Kolinka’s life story, or the Holocaust itself, that you now look at in a different light because of this book?
Victor: Her story shows that there isn’t just one story of the Holocaust. There are millions of them. When we say “one million, six million…” it’s impossible to imagine all those lives. But in this testimony, you see family and friends who become victims, and you can identify with them. What was incredible about Ginette as a young woman was her naivety. It could have killed her. But it saved her.
SMH: Part of Ginette’s story is that she stayed quiet about her experiences as a survivor for many years before going on to do all this incredible work in later life. Adieu Birkenauopens with something of a preface from Ginette’s son Richard Kolinka, who reflects on how as a boy he thought “all mums had numbers on their arms!” Do you, as a journalist, see any similarities between that memory of Richard’s and how public recognition of the Holocaust has changed over time?
Victor: When Ginette was working in a market, a woman asked her about the number on her arm. “Is it so you don’t forget your phone number?” Ginette was shocked, and it's one of the reasons why she started bearing witness. In France, Holocaust remembrance changed in 1995, around the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII. More survivors began to talk. It changed how everyone looked at this part of history.
SMH: Ginette is particularly known for maintaining both total honesty and her own sense of humour while choosing to revisit the most painful years of her life time and time again. What do you hope that readers of Adieu Birkenauwho might be unfamiliar with Ginette’s legacy will learn from not only her story, but how she chooses to tell it?
Victor: Readers must know that Ginette loves life. She loves laughing, joking, drinking (sometimes vodka), and she smiles a lot. She’s a living life lesson! When people become conflicted in their daily lives, they just need to think of Ginette. And life will be better!
Thank you for joining us on this day of remembrance.
- The SelfMadeHero Team
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